July Is UV Safety Awareness Month
Posted by: Raleigh Ophthalmology in Eye Health
Summer has finally arrived, and the sun is brightly shining with warm temperatures. It is a perfect time to share sun-smart awareness during UV Safety Awareness Month. Before you enjoy fun in the sun, either on vacation or relaxing in your backyard, here are some Sun Smart UV Safety Tips from the American Academy of…
Read MoreWhy Are Eyebrows and Eyelashes Important?
Posted by: Raleigh Ophthalmology in Eye Health
Isn’t it interesting that a study completed by MIT stated that it would be hard to recognize you if you did not have your eyebrows!? Our eyebrows and eyelashes frame our faces, but they don’t just exist for our beauty. They also serve as protection, help us express emotion, and are our eye’s first line…
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